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Interesting facts about Common Cold.

Sneezing, scratchy throat, runny nose are one of the first signs of a cold and everyone knows this as it is probably the most common illness known. Common colds are minor infections of the nose and throat caused by more than 200 different viruses. Rhinovirus is the most common cause, accounting for 10 to 40 percent of colds. Other common cold viruses include coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). A cold may last for about one week.  In the extreme age group i.e under 5years and elderly people the common cold symptoms although mild may last longer. It is a leading cause of doctor visits and missed days from school and work in the world.



Adults get an average of two to four colds per year, mostly between September and May.


Young children suffer from an average of six to eight colds per year. Colds are highly contagious. They most often spread when droplets of fluid that contain a cold virus are transferred by touch or inhalation




Did you know the common cold harbor some interesting facts? Check them out below:


1. You can catch a cold through your eyes.


When an infected person coughs or sneezes, they release tiny droplets into the air.   If these droplets get on to your hands, you can pass them into your eyes by touching them.    The virus can travel to the nose and throat through a duct that links the eyes and nasal cavity, where it then starts the process of causing an infection.


 The best way to avoid letting the virus get into your system is good hygiene. Wash your hands regularly, especially after touching potentially infected areas.

2. The germs that cause a common cold can live for up to two days outside of the body.


Think of all of the places where viruses could be hanging out….doorknobs, computer keyboards, smartphones, tablets, cupboard handles, bottles and jars.    You may be living with someone who has recovered from a cold, but the virus may still be present in your home. 



Regular wiping down of surfaces might prevent you from being the next victim of common cold.

3. Taking Vitamin C does not keep colds at bay.


In a 2013 review of 29 separate ­trials, regular vitamin C supplements failed to reduce cold incidences across the board. Huge doses to ease symptoms had small effects in some but not all studies.

There are plenty of good reasons to eat vitamin C packed foods like oranges and broccoli.    However, there is currently little evidence to suggest that ingesting this vitamin reduces your chances of getting a cold. 

Of course, eating healthily, and that includes eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, does contribute to a strong immune system and that will help you to fight off a cold.

4. Salt water gargle can help, maybe even as a prevention.


In a study from Japan, some volunteers were asked to regularly gargle with water while others weren’t. After 60 days, the gargling group had a 40 per cent decrease in colds compared with the control group. To soothe a sore throat, gargle with one quarter of a teaspoon of salt mixed with eight ounces of warm water.

5. We get colds more often than we might realize.


Adults suffer an average of two to three each year, and some children get eight or more. They are costly too and have a big impact on the economy of a country. Surveys has shown    that colds decreased productivity by a mean of 26 per cent especially in the western countries. 

6. That said, the best cold medicine is free: REST.


When you get sick, your body doesn’t want to do anything other than tackle the virus. If you do ignore the symptoms and go about your normal routine, the cold can have an even more negative impact on your health and your brain.

In a study of nearly 200 people published in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, researchers found that those with colds reported poor alertness, a negative mood, and psycho­motor slowing. Their thought processes were muddied, and their reaction times were slower than those of healthy folks.



7. There are around 200 types of viruses that cause common colds.


With this many common cold viruses out there, it’s highly unlikely that doctors and scientists will find a cure for the common cold any time soon.    Even if a vaccine or remedy is developed, it’s unlikely to be used widely as the various strains of the virus would then evolve to resist treatments



 Treatment of the Common Cold


There is no cure for the common cold, but you can get relief from your cold symptoms by doing the following below


Resting in bed.


Drinking plenty of fluids.


Gargling with warm salt water or using ice chips, throat sprays, or lozenges for a scratchy or sore throat.


Using a decongestant or saline nasal spray to help relieve nasal symptoms.


Taking aspirin or acetaminophen—Tylenol, for example—for headache or fever.


Prevention of the Common Cold


While it's important to treat cold, it's even better to prevent yourself from ever having said cold. There are several ways you can keep yourself from getting a cold or passing one on to others, some are listed below:


Because cold viruses on your hands can easily enter through your eyes and nose, wash your hands often and keep your hands away from those areas of your body.


If possible, avoid being close to people who have colds and vice versa.


When you sneeze or cough, cover your nose or mouth and sneeze or cough into your elbow rather than your hand.



The cold is a virus that has to run its course until it’s gone. There are no cures or treatments that will end a cold, all you can do is relieve the symptoms. Home remedies like salt gargles can also ease symptoms, while rest and hydration can help your body recover from a cold.

Sometimes, a cold can be mistaken for other upper respiratory infections or infections like the flu. If your symptoms seem more severe or don’t ease after a week, make an appointment to see a doctor.





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